420 Emporium

1639 N Salina St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA

About 420 Emporium

The 420 Emporium in Fulton, NY provides you with a large selection of glass and other smoking necessities. We will help you to learn all about the different products and will advise you professionally, competently & comprehensively.

Through long-term experience and close customer contact, we at The 420 Emporium know what's important to you and take the time to meet your needs and wishes. Our goal is to fulfill your desires to your fullest satisfaction.

We were already looking for a place to set down in NY with The 420 Emporium. We drove through many cities and towns before we actually picked out our first town. In August of 2011 We took a trip to this little town called Fulton, NY outside of Syracuse. To our suprise, it was actually a lot larger than we thought, but with not 1 smoke shop around. That same day on our way out of town we were crossing the bridge on the Oswego river, and seen a "FOR RENT" sign next to a barber shop. We knew at that moment that was where we were going start the 420 epidemic, and About 1 month later the 1st 420 Emporium was born on Route 3 in Fulton NY right next to the bridge on the Oswego river.

We are orginally from Rochester, NY. So the community of Brockport is not far from there, and we were really familiar with it. We go there all the time for events, to eat and etc. We had always talked about opening up in Brockport, even before we went out into Fulton. Well, At this time its about November 1st. Our first month in fulton had done so well, we were ready to open store #2 closer to the surrounding Rochester/ Buffalo area to give everyone in westerny NY a 420 Emporium. Come December 1st we were open and fully loaded with six 6ft cases of handpipes, detox, grinders, and everything you could imagine, along with 6 stand up cases FULL of American made high end glass waterpipes from all over the country. our first week of opening customers were slipping thank-you notes under our door after we had closed for the night at midnight.

Syracuse, NY was our third location's home. The Store is in the Little Italy Neighborhood Of Syracuse on N. Salina St which is the main road in the district. N Salina st is the home of many bars, clubs, shops and bistro's. The Store in Syracuse is also located only 1 block away from the Carousel Center Shopping Mall. Although there are many other smoke shops in the city of syracuse, we are the first to provide the selection of american made glass that we do. It seemed that no one carried any product of higher quality in this large city. We have received many great compliments since day one in syracuse, and still continue to recieve them today. Customers come from all of the suburbs surrounding the city of Syracuse, Even driving from as far away as New York City and New Jersey to shop here, and thats what it's all about.. customer satisfaction.

Henrietta, NY is just south of the city of rochester. It is also the county's largest shopping district. Henrietta is only 20 minutes away from our Brockport location, but it is only 5 minutes away from the city of Rochester which is much more convenient for everyone.

Contact Information

1639 N Salina St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA

Opening Hours:

Monday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM

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